Beneath The Dusk
In poetry and print, 'Beneath The Dusk' is an expression of wonder, of being at one with your natural surroundings. A late dusk walk along the banks of the River Dee in Wales inspired Angus and Lily to create this work. The poem refers to the state of being outside in winter's cold and looking forward to spring's new growth.
By Our Isles
Print: LiLly Hedley / our Isles
Beneath The Dusk
Beneath the dusk and waning light
That journeys west in copper shades,
We watch and wait ‘til the fall of night,
When the stars align in their finest white.
For the air is dank, and cuts its sting
On our wandering souls that dare to sing;
Burning the breath that starlight shows,
And blushing the cheeks of an English rose.
The land around sleeps its yearly bout,
Where little life seems all but bare.
Yet beneath the bark and muddied sod,
Lies coloured blooms for spring to share.
The river rushes and throws its weight,
Felling banks as she spills her furrowed edge,
Past early alders in purple haze,
It drowns the rye and bowing sedge.
The smell of earth is all around,
Stirred by feet and fleeing wings;
Where high above the lapwing soars,
With haste she calls her peewit rings.
By Angus D. Birditt / Our Isles