Lucy Cooke: Bitch! A Revolutionary Guide to Sex, Evolution and the Female Animal

The CBTR crew first booked ace zoologist and broadcaster Lucy Cooke to talk about her favourite animal — the sloth — back in 2015.

This time, she’s talking about her fascinating book on sex and the female animal, described by telly’s Sue Perkins as “the evolutionary reboot us bitches have been waiting for.” 

Lucy will read from and discuss the book as part of our lineup for this year’s Camp Good Life. Read an edited extract from Lucy Cooke’s revolutionary guide to sex, evolution and the female animal, on the Caught by the River website, here.

From lemurs to spiders, this gleeful exploration of female sexuality in the animal world overturns a host of outdated assumptions.
— Guardian

Read the wonderful review here.


Richard King


DJ Kath McDermott