Tom Hunt

Tom Hunt is an award-winning chef, columnist and climate change campaigner who’s approach to cooking is rooted in food’s connection to climate change, championing a way of eating that prioritises the environment without sacrificing pleasure, taste and nutrition.

He is the author of the new award-winning cookbook Eating for Pleasure, People & Planet (2020), And The Natural Cook (2014). Hunt also writes about food sustainability in magazines and newspapers including a weekly column for the Guardian called Waste Not.

Hunt has 20 years of experience in food and agriculture plus 10 years in food sustainability working with chefs, farmers, academics, charities and nutritionists. His Bristol restaurant, Poco Tapas Bar, opened in 2004 winning many awards including Best Ethical Restaurant at the Observer Food Monthly Awards.

Hunt works closely with various charities including Slow Food, Fairtrade, The Soil Association and is a signatory and podcast host for the Chef’s Manifesto – a United Nations initiative linked to the Global Goals, that calls on chefs around the world to champion climate-friendly cuisine in their kitchens for a more diverse, sustainable and delicious future.

Following his BA (Hons) Fine Art degree, Hunt began working in food under Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall as a course leader, cook and food stylist at River Cottage and on the TV series. More recently, Mr Hunt has worked alongside many of his heroes at events including chefs Dan Barber, Francis Mallmann and René Redzepi – where he did a short internship at Noma, Copenhagen.

Mr Hunt’s vocation has made him an expert in his field with a deep understanding about how food can benefit culture, support biodiversity and reverse climate change, culminating in a sustainability manifesto called Root to Fruit.

Root to Fruit is a cost neutral, closed loop philosophy and practical approach to food based on pleasure, health, environment and social values. It works as a template for his presentations, consultancy and writing, to help facilitate individuals, restaurants and businesses in their transformation towards a regenerative and sustainable food system.

The Root to Fruit manifesto is published in his second book, Eating for Pleasure, People & Planet.


Terri White


Mark Diacono