Still Here Still Life

“With a glass of wine in hand, Still Here Still Life began.

Still Here Still Life was founded during March 2020; a time of fear and uncertainty as we hunkered down into a worldwide lockdown. Life at the time was pretty bleak, and we needed to find a way to jolt our creative brains. To top it all off, we had only just graduated and were already feeling a loss of encouragement to create. Tess and I shared a desk at University and we always cheered each other on – so we wanted to start something new that would inspire us and keep us both drawing.

During one of our weekly Zoom chats, we decided to create an online space. We called it Still Here Still Life – because we’re still here, still alive, still drawing. Each week we would set up our own still lifes at home and send them to each other as a prompt to draw from. Our friends began taking part too, and then we would post each one on our Instagram as a way to see what everyone had done. Little did we know that a year on, we would have created a community of 150,000+ people from all over the world. A place that brings people together through one single image. We are constantly taken aback by the variety of methods used to tackle each prompt, and the sheer beauty and uniqueness of each one.

These workshops are a celebration of the community we have built around Still Here Still Life and our way of saying thank you to everyone. We want you to have fun, get messy and creative by drawing the beauty around you.“


Little Vintage Photography


Sir Ranulph Fiennes