Saskia Weir

Join Saskia Weir from THE MEND HOUSE to learn a method of repair inspired by the age-old Japanese way of mending and reinforcing called Sashiko. A way of mending to be intentionally slow and thoughtful, you will leave with skills to be able to mend your most treasured clothes.

This workshop will encourage you to look through your wardrobes and take time to appreciate the pieces you already have and give them new purpose - REPAIR BEATS REPLACE.

Everyone will be given a piece of fabric to practise this method on and able to ask any questions throughout the demonstration. Please feel free to bring along any personal woven garments/textiles that need mending and you can speak with Saskia about the best way to mend and revitalise them.

All skills are welcome!

Please note, at the start of the workshop there will be a short introduction into handling the materials and equipment being used.

Saskia will lead this workshop on the afternoon of Saturday 29th July.


Bristol Fungarium


Olivia Cavalli